Module pycpd.affine_registration

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from builtins import super
import numpy as np
from .emregistration import EMRegistration
from .utility import is_positive_semi_definite

class AffineRegistration(EMRegistration):
    Affine registration.

    B: numpy array (semi-positive definite)
        DxD affine transformation matrix.

    t: numpy array
        1xD initial translation vector.
    # Additional parameters used in this class, but not inputs.
    # YPY: float
    #     Denominator value used to update the scale factor.
    #     Defined in Fig. 2 and Eq. 8 of

    # X_hat: numpy array
    #     Centered target point cloud.
    #     Defined in Fig. 2 of

    def __init__(self, B=None, t=None, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if B is not None and ((B.ndim != 2) or (B.shape[0] != self.D) or (B.shape[1] != self.D) or not is_positive_semi_definite(B)):
            raise ValueError(
                'The rotation matrix can only be initialized to {}x{} positive semi definite matrices. Instead got: {}.'.format(self.D, self.D, B))

        if t is not None and ((t.ndim != 2) or (t.shape[0] != 1) or (t.shape[1] != self.D)):
            raise ValueError(
                'The translation vector can only be initialized to 1x{} positive semi definite matrices. Instead got: {}.'.format(self.D, t))
        self.B = np.eye(self.D) if B is None else B
        self.t = np.atleast_2d(np.zeros((1, self.D))) if t is None else t

        self.YPY = None
        self.X_hat = None
        self.A = None

    def update_transform(self):
        Calculate a new estimate of the rigid transformation.


        # source and target point cloud means
        muX = np.divide(np.sum(self.PX, axis=0), self.Np)
        muY = np.divide(
            np.sum(, self.Y), axis=0), self.Np)

        self.X_hat = self.X - np.tile(muX, (self.N, 1))
        Y_hat = self.Y - np.tile(muY, (self.M, 1))

        self.A =, np.transpose(self.P))
        self.A =, Y_hat)

        self.YPY =, np.diag(self.P1))
        self.YPY =, Y_hat)

        # Calculate the new estimate of affine parameters using update rules for (B, t)
        # as defined in Fig. 3 of
        self.B = np.linalg.solve(np.transpose(self.YPY), np.transpose(self.A))
        self.t = np.transpose(
            muX) -, np.transpose(muY))

    def transform_point_cloud(self, Y=None):
        Update a point cloud using the new estimate of the affine transformation.
        Y: numpy array, optional
            Array of points to transform - use to predict on new set of points.
            Best for predicting on new points not used to run initial registration.
                If None, self.Y used.
        If Y is None, returns None.
        Otherwise, returns the transformed Y.

        if Y is None:
            self.TY =, self.B) + np.tile(self.t, (self.M, 1))
            return, self.B) + np.tile(self.t, (Y.shape[0], 1))

    def update_variance(self):
        Update the variance of the mixture model using the new estimate of the affine transformation.
        See the update rule for sigma2 in Fig. 3 of of

        qprev = self.q

        trAB = np.trace(, self.B))
        xPx =, np.sum(
            np.multiply(self.X_hat, self.X_hat), axis=1))
        trBYPYP = np.trace(, self.YPY), self.B))
        self.q = (xPx - 2 * trAB + trBYPYP) / (2 * self.sigma2) + \
            self.D * self.Np/2 * np.log(self.sigma2)
        self.diff = np.abs(self.q - qprev)

        self.sigma2 = (xPx - trAB) / (self.Np * self.D)

        if self.sigma2 <= 0:
            self.sigma2 = self.tolerance / 10

    def get_registration_parameters(self):
        Return the current estimate of the affine transformation parameters.

        B: numpy array
            DxD affine transformation matrix.

        t: numpy array
            1xD translation vector.

        return self.B, self.t


class AffineRegistration (B=None, t=None, *args, **kwargs)

Affine registration.


B : numpy array (semi-positive definite)
DxD affine transformation matrix.
t : numpy array
1xD initial translation vector.
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class AffineRegistration(EMRegistration):
    Affine registration.

    B: numpy array (semi-positive definite)
        DxD affine transformation matrix.

    t: numpy array
        1xD initial translation vector.
    # Additional parameters used in this class, but not inputs.
    # YPY: float
    #     Denominator value used to update the scale factor.
    #     Defined in Fig. 2 and Eq. 8 of

    # X_hat: numpy array
    #     Centered target point cloud.
    #     Defined in Fig. 2 of

    def __init__(self, B=None, t=None, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if B is not None and ((B.ndim != 2) or (B.shape[0] != self.D) or (B.shape[1] != self.D) or not is_positive_semi_definite(B)):
            raise ValueError(
                'The rotation matrix can only be initialized to {}x{} positive semi definite matrices. Instead got: {}.'.format(self.D, self.D, B))

        if t is not None and ((t.ndim != 2) or (t.shape[0] != 1) or (t.shape[1] != self.D)):
            raise ValueError(
                'The translation vector can only be initialized to 1x{} positive semi definite matrices. Instead got: {}.'.format(self.D, t))
        self.B = np.eye(self.D) if B is None else B
        self.t = np.atleast_2d(np.zeros((1, self.D))) if t is None else t

        self.YPY = None
        self.X_hat = None
        self.A = None

    def update_transform(self):
        Calculate a new estimate of the rigid transformation.


        # source and target point cloud means
        muX = np.divide(np.sum(self.PX, axis=0), self.Np)
        muY = np.divide(
            np.sum(, self.Y), axis=0), self.Np)

        self.X_hat = self.X - np.tile(muX, (self.N, 1))
        Y_hat = self.Y - np.tile(muY, (self.M, 1))

        self.A =, np.transpose(self.P))
        self.A =, Y_hat)

        self.YPY =, np.diag(self.P1))
        self.YPY =, Y_hat)

        # Calculate the new estimate of affine parameters using update rules for (B, t)
        # as defined in Fig. 3 of
        self.B = np.linalg.solve(np.transpose(self.YPY), np.transpose(self.A))
        self.t = np.transpose(
            muX) -, np.transpose(muY))

    def transform_point_cloud(self, Y=None):
        Update a point cloud using the new estimate of the affine transformation.
        Y: numpy array, optional
            Array of points to transform - use to predict on new set of points.
            Best for predicting on new points not used to run initial registration.
                If None, self.Y used.
        If Y is None, returns None.
        Otherwise, returns the transformed Y.

        if Y is None:
            self.TY =, self.B) + np.tile(self.t, (self.M, 1))
            return, self.B) + np.tile(self.t, (Y.shape[0], 1))

    def update_variance(self):
        Update the variance of the mixture model using the new estimate of the affine transformation.
        See the update rule for sigma2 in Fig. 3 of of

        qprev = self.q

        trAB = np.trace(, self.B))
        xPx =, np.sum(
            np.multiply(self.X_hat, self.X_hat), axis=1))
        trBYPYP = np.trace(, self.YPY), self.B))
        self.q = (xPx - 2 * trAB + trBYPYP) / (2 * self.sigma2) + \
            self.D * self.Np/2 * np.log(self.sigma2)
        self.diff = np.abs(self.q - qprev)

        self.sigma2 = (xPx - trAB) / (self.Np * self.D)

        if self.sigma2 <= 0:
            self.sigma2 = self.tolerance / 10

    def get_registration_parameters(self):
        Return the current estimate of the affine transformation parameters.

        B: numpy array
            DxD affine transformation matrix.

        t: numpy array
            1xD translation vector.

        return self.B, self.t



def get_registration_parameters(self)

Return the current estimate of the affine transformation parameters.


B : numpy array
DxD affine transformation matrix.
t : numpy array
1xD translation vector.
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def get_registration_parameters(self):
    Return the current estimate of the affine transformation parameters.

    B: numpy array
        DxD affine transformation matrix.

    t: numpy array
        1xD translation vector.

    return self.B, self.t
def transform_point_cloud(self, Y=None)

Update a point cloud using the new estimate of the affine transformation.


Y : numpy array, optional
Array of points to transform - use to predict on new set of points. Best for predicting on new points not used to run initial registration. If None, self.Y used.


If Y is None, returns None. Otherwise, returns the transformed Y.

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def transform_point_cloud(self, Y=None):
    Update a point cloud using the new estimate of the affine transformation.
    Y: numpy array, optional
        Array of points to transform - use to predict on new set of points.
        Best for predicting on new points not used to run initial registration.
            If None, self.Y used.
    If Y is None, returns None.
    Otherwise, returns the transformed Y.

    if Y is None:
        self.TY =, self.B) + np.tile(self.t, (self.M, 1))
        return, self.B) + np.tile(self.t, (Y.shape[0], 1))
def update_transform(self)

Calculate a new estimate of the rigid transformation.

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def update_transform(self):
    Calculate a new estimate of the rigid transformation.


    # source and target point cloud means
    muX = np.divide(np.sum(self.PX, axis=0), self.Np)
    muY = np.divide(
        np.sum(, self.Y), axis=0), self.Np)

    self.X_hat = self.X - np.tile(muX, (self.N, 1))
    Y_hat = self.Y - np.tile(muY, (self.M, 1))

    self.A =, np.transpose(self.P))
    self.A =, Y_hat)

    self.YPY =, np.diag(self.P1))
    self.YPY =, Y_hat)

    # Calculate the new estimate of affine parameters using update rules for (B, t)
    # as defined in Fig. 3 of
    self.B = np.linalg.solve(np.transpose(self.YPY), np.transpose(self.A))
    self.t = np.transpose(
        muX) -, np.transpose(muY))
def update_variance(self)

Update the variance of the mixture model using the new estimate of the affine transformation. See the update rule for sigma2 in Fig. 3 of of

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def update_variance(self):
    Update the variance of the mixture model using the new estimate of the affine transformation.
    See the update rule for sigma2 in Fig. 3 of of

    qprev = self.q

    trAB = np.trace(, self.B))
    xPx =, np.sum(
        np.multiply(self.X_hat, self.X_hat), axis=1))
    trBYPYP = np.trace(, self.YPY), self.B))
    self.q = (xPx - 2 * trAB + trBYPYP) / (2 * self.sigma2) + \
        self.D * self.Np/2 * np.log(self.sigma2)
    self.diff = np.abs(self.q - qprev)

    self.sigma2 = (xPx - trAB) / (self.Np * self.D)

    if self.sigma2 <= 0:
        self.sigma2 = self.tolerance / 10

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