Module pycpd.emregistration
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from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import numbers
from warnings import warn
def initialize_sigma2(X, Y):
Initialize the variance (sigma2).
X: numpy array
NxD array of points for target.
Y: numpy array
MxD array of points for source.
sigma2: float
Initial variance.
(N, D) = X.shape
(M, _) = Y.shape
diff = X[None, :, :] - Y[:, None, :]
err = diff ** 2
return np.sum(err) / (D * M * N)
def lowrankQS(G, beta, num_eig, eig_fgt=False):
Calculate eigenvectors and eigenvalues of gaussian matrix G.
This function is a placeholder for implementing the fast
gauss transform. It is not yet implemented.
G: numpy array
Gaussian kernel matrix.
beta: float
Width of the Gaussian kernel.
num_eig: int
Number of eigenvectors to use in lowrank calculation of G
eig_fgt: bool
If True, use fast gauss transform method to speed up.
# if we do not use FGT we construct affinity matrix G and find the
# first eigenvectors/values directly
if eig_fgt is False:
S, Q = np.linalg.eigh(G)
eig_indices = list(np.argsort(np.abs(S))[::-1][:num_eig])
Q = Q[:, eig_indices] # eigenvectors
S = S[eig_indices] # eigenvalues.
return Q, S
elif eig_fgt is True:
raise Exception('Fast Gauss Transform Not Implemented!')
class EMRegistration(object):
Expectation maximization point cloud registration.
X: numpy array
NxD array of target points.
Y: numpy array
MxD array of source points.
TY: numpy array
MxD array of transformed source points.
sigma2: float (positive)
Initial variance of the Gaussian mixture model.
N: int
Number of target points.
M: int
Number of source points.
D: int
Dimensionality of source and target points
iteration: int
The current iteration throughout registration.
max_iterations: int
Registration will terminate once the algorithm has taken this
many iterations.
tolerance: float (positive)
Registration will terminate once the difference between
consecutive objective function values falls within this tolerance.
w: float (between 0 and 1)
Contribution of the uniform distribution to account for outliers.
Valid values span 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).
q: float
The objective function value that represents the misalignment between source
and target point clouds.
diff: float (positive)
The absolute difference between the current and previous objective function values.
P: numpy array
MxN array of probabilities.
P[m, n] represents the probability that the m-th source point
corresponds to the n-th target point.
Pt1: numpy array
Nx1 column array.
Multiplication result between the transpose of P and a column vector of all 1s.
P1: numpy array
Mx1 column array.
Multiplication result between P and a column vector of all 1s.
Np: float (positive)
The sum of all elements in P.
def __init__(self, X, Y, sigma2=None, max_iterations=None, tolerance=None, w=None, *args, **kwargs):
if type(X) is not np.ndarray or X.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError(
"The target point cloud (X) must be at a 2D numpy array.")
if type(Y) is not np.ndarray or Y.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError(
"The source point cloud (Y) must be a 2D numpy array.")
if X.shape[1] != Y.shape[1]:
raise ValueError(
"Both point clouds need to have the same number of dimensions.")
if sigma2 is not None and (not isinstance(sigma2, numbers.Number) or sigma2 <= 0):
raise ValueError(
"Expected a positive value for sigma2 instead got: {}".format(sigma2))
if max_iterations is not None and (not isinstance(max_iterations, numbers.Number) or max_iterations < 0):
raise ValueError(
"Expected a positive integer for max_iterations instead got: {}".format(max_iterations))
elif isinstance(max_iterations, numbers.Number) and not isinstance(max_iterations, int):
warn("Received a non-integer value for max_iterations: {}. Casting to integer.".format(max_iterations))
max_iterations = int(max_iterations)
if tolerance is not None and (not isinstance(tolerance, numbers.Number) or tolerance < 0):
raise ValueError(
"Expected a positive float for tolerance instead got: {}".format(tolerance))
if w is not None and (not isinstance(w, numbers.Number) or w < 0 or w >= 1):
raise ValueError(
"Expected a value between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive) for w instead got: {}".format(w))
self.X = X
self.Y = Y
self.TY = Y
self.sigma2 = initialize_sigma2(X, Y) if sigma2 is None else sigma2
(self.N, self.D) = self.X.shape
(self.M, _) = self.Y.shape
self.tolerance = 0.001 if tolerance is None else tolerance
self.w = 0.0 if w is None else w
self.max_iterations = 100 if max_iterations is None else max_iterations
self.iteration = 0
self.diff = np.inf
self.q = np.inf
self.P = np.zeros((self.M, self.N))
self.Pt1 = np.zeros((self.N, ))
self.P1 = np.zeros((self.M, ))
self.PX = np.zeros((self.M, self.D))
self.Np = 0
def register(self, callback=lambda **kwargs: None):
Perform the EM registration.
callback: function
A function that will be called after each iteration.
Can be used to visualize the registration process.
self.TY: numpy array
MxD array of transformed source points.
Returned params dependent on registration method used.
while self.iteration < self.max_iterations and self.diff > self.tolerance:
if callable(callback):
kwargs = {'iteration': self.iteration,
'error': self.q, 'X': self.X, 'Y': self.TY}
return self.TY, self.get_registration_parameters()
def get_registration_parameters(self):
Placeholder for child classes.
raise NotImplementedError(
"Registration parameters should be defined in child classes.")
def update_transform(self):
Placeholder for child classes.
raise NotImplementedError(
"Updating transform parameters should be defined in child classes.")
def transform_point_cloud(self):
Placeholder for child classes.
raise NotImplementedError(
"Updating the source point cloud should be defined in child classes.")
def update_variance(self):
Placeholder for child classes.
raise NotImplementedError(
"Updating the Gaussian variance for the mixture model should be defined in child classes.")
def iterate(self):
Perform one iteration of the EM algorithm.
self.iteration += 1
def expectation(self):
Compute the expectation step of the EM algorithm.
P = np.sum((self.X[None, :, :] - self.TY[:, None, :])**2, axis=2) # (M, N)
P = np.exp(-P/(2*self.sigma2))
c = (2*np.pi*self.sigma2)**(self.D/2)*self.w/(1. - self.w)*self.M/self.N
den = np.sum(P, axis = 0, keepdims = True) # (1, N)
den = np.clip(den, np.finfo(self.X.dtype).eps, None) + c
self.P = np.divide(P, den)
self.Pt1 = np.sum(self.P, axis=0)
self.P1 = np.sum(self.P, axis=1)
self.Np = np.sum(self.P1)
self.PX = np.matmul(self.P, self.X)
def maximization(self):
Compute the maximization step of the EM algorithm.
def initialize_sigma2(X, Y)
Initialize the variance (sigma2).
:numpy array
- NxD array of points for target.
:numpy array
- MxD array of points for source.
- Initial variance.
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def initialize_sigma2(X, Y): """ Initialize the variance (sigma2). Attributes ---------- X: numpy array NxD array of points for target. Y: numpy array MxD array of points for source. Returns ------- sigma2: float Initial variance. """ (N, D) = X.shape (M, _) = Y.shape diff = X[None, :, :] - Y[:, None, :] err = diff ** 2 return np.sum(err) / (D * M * N)
def lowrankQS(G, beta, num_eig, eig_fgt=False)
Calculate eigenvectors and eigenvalues of gaussian matrix G.
!!! This function is a placeholder for implementing the fast gauss transform. It is not yet implemented. !!!
:numpy array
- Gaussian kernel matrix.
- Width of the Gaussian kernel.
- Number of eigenvectors to use in lowrank calculation of G
- If True, use fast gauss transform method to speed up.
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def lowrankQS(G, beta, num_eig, eig_fgt=False): """ Calculate eigenvectors and eigenvalues of gaussian matrix G. !!! This function is a placeholder for implementing the fast gauss transform. It is not yet implemented. !!! Attributes ---------- G: numpy array Gaussian kernel matrix. beta: float Width of the Gaussian kernel. num_eig: int Number of eigenvectors to use in lowrank calculation of G eig_fgt: bool If True, use fast gauss transform method to speed up. """ # if we do not use FGT we construct affinity matrix G and find the # first eigenvectors/values directly if eig_fgt is False: S, Q = np.linalg.eigh(G) eig_indices = list(np.argsort(np.abs(S))[::-1][:num_eig]) Q = Q[:, eig_indices] # eigenvectors S = S[eig_indices] # eigenvalues. return Q, S elif eig_fgt is True: raise Exception('Fast Gauss Transform Not Implemented!')
class EMRegistration (X, Y, sigma2=None, max_iterations=None, tolerance=None, w=None, *args, **kwargs)
Expectation maximization point cloud registration.
:numpy array
- NxD array of target points.
:numpy array
- MxD array of source points.
:numpy array
- MxD array of transformed source points.
:float (positive)
- Initial variance of the Gaussian mixture model.
- Number of target points.
- Number of source points.
- Dimensionality of source and target points
- The current iteration throughout registration.
- Registration will terminate once the algorithm has taken this many iterations.
:float (positive)
- Registration will terminate once the difference between consecutive objective function values falls within this tolerance.
:float (between 0 and 1)
- Contribution of the uniform distribution to account for outliers. Valid values span 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).
- The objective function value that represents the misalignment between source and target point clouds.
:float (positive)
- The absolute difference between the current and previous objective function values.
:numpy array
- MxN array of probabilities. P[m, n] represents the probability that the m-th source point corresponds to the n-th target point.
:numpy array
- Nx1 column array. Multiplication result between the transpose of P and a column vector of all 1s.
:numpy array
- Mx1 column array. Multiplication result between P and a column vector of all 1s.
:float (positive)
- The sum of all elements in P.
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class EMRegistration(object): """ Expectation maximization point cloud registration. Attributes ---------- X: numpy array NxD array of target points. Y: numpy array MxD array of source points. TY: numpy array MxD array of transformed source points. sigma2: float (positive) Initial variance of the Gaussian mixture model. N: int Number of target points. M: int Number of source points. D: int Dimensionality of source and target points iteration: int The current iteration throughout registration. max_iterations: int Registration will terminate once the algorithm has taken this many iterations. tolerance: float (positive) Registration will terminate once the difference between consecutive objective function values falls within this tolerance. w: float (between 0 and 1) Contribution of the uniform distribution to account for outliers. Valid values span 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive). q: float The objective function value that represents the misalignment between source and target point clouds. diff: float (positive) The absolute difference between the current and previous objective function values. P: numpy array MxN array of probabilities. P[m, n] represents the probability that the m-th source point corresponds to the n-th target point. Pt1: numpy array Nx1 column array. Multiplication result between the transpose of P and a column vector of all 1s. P1: numpy array Mx1 column array. Multiplication result between P and a column vector of all 1s. Np: float (positive) The sum of all elements in P. """ def __init__(self, X, Y, sigma2=None, max_iterations=None, tolerance=None, w=None, *args, **kwargs): if type(X) is not np.ndarray or X.ndim != 2: raise ValueError( "The target point cloud (X) must be at a 2D numpy array.") if type(Y) is not np.ndarray or Y.ndim != 2: raise ValueError( "The source point cloud (Y) must be a 2D numpy array.") if X.shape[1] != Y.shape[1]: raise ValueError( "Both point clouds need to have the same number of dimensions.") if sigma2 is not None and (not isinstance(sigma2, numbers.Number) or sigma2 <= 0): raise ValueError( "Expected a positive value for sigma2 instead got: {}".format(sigma2)) if max_iterations is not None and (not isinstance(max_iterations, numbers.Number) or max_iterations < 0): raise ValueError( "Expected a positive integer for max_iterations instead got: {}".format(max_iterations)) elif isinstance(max_iterations, numbers.Number) and not isinstance(max_iterations, int): warn("Received a non-integer value for max_iterations: {}. Casting to integer.".format(max_iterations)) max_iterations = int(max_iterations) if tolerance is not None and (not isinstance(tolerance, numbers.Number) or tolerance < 0): raise ValueError( "Expected a positive float for tolerance instead got: {}".format(tolerance)) if w is not None and (not isinstance(w, numbers.Number) or w < 0 or w >= 1): raise ValueError( "Expected a value between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive) for w instead got: {}".format(w)) self.X = X self.Y = Y self.TY = Y self.sigma2 = initialize_sigma2(X, Y) if sigma2 is None else sigma2 (self.N, self.D) = self.X.shape (self.M, _) = self.Y.shape self.tolerance = 0.001 if tolerance is None else tolerance self.w = 0.0 if w is None else w self.max_iterations = 100 if max_iterations is None else max_iterations self.iteration = 0 self.diff = np.inf self.q = np.inf self.P = np.zeros((self.M, self.N)) self.Pt1 = np.zeros((self.N, )) self.P1 = np.zeros((self.M, )) self.PX = np.zeros((self.M, self.D)) self.Np = 0 def register(self, callback=lambda **kwargs: None): """ Perform the EM registration. Attributes ---------- callback: function A function that will be called after each iteration. Can be used to visualize the registration process. Returns ------- self.TY: numpy array MxD array of transformed source points. registration_parameters: Returned params dependent on registration method used. """ self.transform_point_cloud() while self.iteration < self.max_iterations and self.diff > self.tolerance: self.iterate() if callable(callback): kwargs = {'iteration': self.iteration, 'error': self.q, 'X': self.X, 'Y': self.TY} callback(**kwargs) return self.TY, self.get_registration_parameters() def get_registration_parameters(self): """ Placeholder for child classes. """ raise NotImplementedError( "Registration parameters should be defined in child classes.") def update_transform(self): """ Placeholder for child classes. """ raise NotImplementedError( "Updating transform parameters should be defined in child classes.") def transform_point_cloud(self): """ Placeholder for child classes. """ raise NotImplementedError( "Updating the source point cloud should be defined in child classes.") def update_variance(self): """ Placeholder for child classes. """ raise NotImplementedError( "Updating the Gaussian variance for the mixture model should be defined in child classes.") def iterate(self): """ Perform one iteration of the EM algorithm. """ self.expectation() self.maximization() self.iteration += 1 def expectation(self): """ Compute the expectation step of the EM algorithm. """ P = np.sum((self.X[None, :, :] - self.TY[:, None, :])**2, axis=2) # (M, N) P = np.exp(-P/(2*self.sigma2)) c = (2*np.pi*self.sigma2)**(self.D/2)*self.w/(1. - self.w)*self.M/self.N den = np.sum(P, axis = 0, keepdims = True) # (1, N) den = np.clip(den, np.finfo(self.X.dtype).eps, None) + c self.P = np.divide(P, den) self.Pt1 = np.sum(self.P, axis=0) self.P1 = np.sum(self.P, axis=1) self.Np = np.sum(self.P1) self.PX = np.matmul(self.P, self.X) def maximization(self): """ Compute the maximization step of the EM algorithm. """ self.update_transform() self.transform_point_cloud() self.update_variance()
def expectation(self)
Compute the expectation step of the EM algorithm.
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def expectation(self): """ Compute the expectation step of the EM algorithm. """ P = np.sum((self.X[None, :, :] - self.TY[:, None, :])**2, axis=2) # (M, N) P = np.exp(-P/(2*self.sigma2)) c = (2*np.pi*self.sigma2)**(self.D/2)*self.w/(1. - self.w)*self.M/self.N den = np.sum(P, axis = 0, keepdims = True) # (1, N) den = np.clip(den, np.finfo(self.X.dtype).eps, None) + c self.P = np.divide(P, den) self.Pt1 = np.sum(self.P, axis=0) self.P1 = np.sum(self.P, axis=1) self.Np = np.sum(self.P1) self.PX = np.matmul(self.P, self.X)
def get_registration_parameters(self)
Placeholder for child classes.
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def get_registration_parameters(self): """ Placeholder for child classes. """ raise NotImplementedError( "Registration parameters should be defined in child classes.")
def iterate(self)
Perform one iteration of the EM algorithm.
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def iterate(self): """ Perform one iteration of the EM algorithm. """ self.expectation() self.maximization() self.iteration += 1
def maximization(self)
Compute the maximization step of the EM algorithm.
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def maximization(self): """ Compute the maximization step of the EM algorithm. """ self.update_transform() self.transform_point_cloud() self.update_variance()
def register(self, callback=<function EMRegistration.<lambda>>)
Perform the EM registration.
- A function that will be called after each iteration. Can be used to visualize the registration process.
self.TY: numpy array
- MxD array of transformed source points.
- Returned params dependent on registration method used.
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def register(self, callback=lambda **kwargs: None): """ Perform the EM registration. Attributes ---------- callback: function A function that will be called after each iteration. Can be used to visualize the registration process. Returns ------- self.TY: numpy array MxD array of transformed source points. registration_parameters: Returned params dependent on registration method used. """ self.transform_point_cloud() while self.iteration < self.max_iterations and self.diff > self.tolerance: self.iterate() if callable(callback): kwargs = {'iteration': self.iteration, 'error': self.q, 'X': self.X, 'Y': self.TY} callback(**kwargs) return self.TY, self.get_registration_parameters()
def transform_point_cloud(self)
Placeholder for child classes.
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def transform_point_cloud(self): """ Placeholder for child classes. """ raise NotImplementedError( "Updating the source point cloud should be defined in child classes.")
def update_transform(self)
Placeholder for child classes.
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def update_transform(self): """ Placeholder for child classes. """ raise NotImplementedError( "Updating transform parameters should be defined in child classes.")
def update_variance(self)
Placeholder for child classes.
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def update_variance(self): """ Placeholder for child classes. """ raise NotImplementedError( "Updating the Gaussian variance for the mixture model should be defined in child classes.")